"Why do you go to work?"
It’s as if there were a wall. And on one side of the wall is this belief that not-for-profits and government exist for public service, and that they’re fundamentally altruistic, that they have a deeper purpose, and they’re doing good in the world, and they have pure motives. On the other side of the wall are corporations. And they’re just selfish and greedy. They have no purpose other than to make money.
Lean Fundraising
What is it? Lean Development is the practice of applying corporate waste-elimination strategies to the nonprofit development processes. When to do it: Every day, take
10 tips for running an efficient nonprofit
We’d all like to do more with less, especially now. How can you make your nonprofit more efficient? Ask yourself and those around you these
Advanced Fundraising: Your Career
Where do you want your fundraising career to go? Do you want to become a Development Manager? Development Director? Executive Director? Director of Annual Giving?
Will your nonprofit survive?
The really interesting question is: “How much money goes into nonprofit programs that don’t work?”